Sunday, November 30, 2008

What makes a good doctor?

In the ocean of knowledge what I have got is not even a handful.Yet the thirst is so huge .
The road really looks very long , so long that I cannot see the destination that I have settled all I know this is just a beginning.Tell me what it takes to makes a good doctor?

1 comment:

सेतो माकुरा said...

That is such a hard question especially when I dont know what it takes to become who you are or what it takes to be where you are today. But just to answer the question, I guess, what it takes to make a good doctor is your ability to concoct synergy, examine pulse rates and inject people with syringe. lol. just kidding!

But I think its their attitude towards life, people, general well being and fair game for all.

Also, to point your concern of ocean of knowledge, its same for each of us. Life is an everlasting school. There is nobody who knows everything (even if they pretend they do). We all learn from somebody else. We all stand on the shoulder of giants. The giants themselves become giants by standing on somebody else's.

By the time you are 80, it doesn't matter how much bigger portion of education or knowledge you have possessed in your lifetime but what will count the most is how much of that education you have been able to share.