Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

Biological purpose of the dream have not been confirmed yet.Some hypothesis says its a grand rehearsal of the events that happen in life, so that when the event really occurs we are less shocked.New theories say it doesn't have any purposes.However some time or the other we do try to interprete it.We dream mostly during REM sleep , atleast most memorable of the dreams are during our REM sleepi.e. Rapid Eye movement sleep that includes 20-25% of our sleep, other includes the NREM(Non Rapid eye movement sleep).Most of forget maximum of our dreams by the time we wake up.
Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece movie Dreams is based on his actual dreams.All of us can dream and only few of us can explain to people what we really dreamed about.This is one of my favorites from one of the eight dreams that Akira Kurosawa have depicted so well in the movie.
Watching this reminds me of my fear I had in my childhood due to the recurring dreams.
